I've decided to keep the lights in the greenhouse on during the day, so everything cycles with the sun as the sky wheels around and will sun my kitchen (eventually).
There's a constant condensation on the plastic around the layer that has the seeded plugs. I thought it was because it's so chilly in my apartment, but it's keeping up the damp all the time. Even when the lamps are off.
I had a lot of errands today, so I was gone for a good part. I came home, fed the cats, and looked in on the seeds. The lettuce is gangbusters. Ok, well, gangbusters for seeds that were put in 5 days ago and are now a few inches tall.
The b.sprouts are still coming along. I noticed with a little closer look, that the amaranth, cosmos, and coleus have sprouted too.
I'm going to start a few more plugs of wheat grass and oat grass. I hope to transfer the plugs I have now into some pots the cats can get at, but there's just not much there yet. I don't think I planted dense enough. The blades of grass are getting taller than 4"! I'll give it a couple more days to see how tall it will get. Until then, I'll watch the grass grow. It's the only thing I can see when I'm sitting in my favorite chair in the living room, and the tip of almost every blade has a dew drop that catches the light.
There's a constant condensation on the plastic around the layer that has the seeded plugs. I thought it was because it's so chilly in my apartment, but it's keeping up the damp all the time. Even when the lamps are off.
I had a lot of errands today, so I was gone for a good part. I came home, fed the cats, and looked in on the seeds. The lettuce is gangbusters. Ok, well, gangbusters for seeds that were put in 5 days ago and are now a few inches tall.
The b.sprouts are still coming along. I noticed with a little closer look, that the amaranth, cosmos, and coleus have sprouted too.
I'm going to start a few more plugs of wheat grass and oat grass. I hope to transfer the plugs I have now into some pots the cats can get at, but there's just not much there yet. I don't think I planted dense enough. The blades of grass are getting taller than 4"! I'll give it a couple more days to see how tall it will get. Until then, I'll watch the grass grow. It's the only thing I can see when I'm sitting in my favorite chair in the living room, and the tip of almost every blade has a dew drop that catches the light.
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