Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ah HA!

Giant cheesy poof containers! Tall, clear and hard to tip over! YAY!
A 1:30 a.m. solution! I just happen to have 2 empty cheese ball containers. I can put in lots of soil, plant the seedlings and they can get all kinds of tall they want to and even if Emma sees them wiggle, she won't be able to get to them!!

I also have a better reason for snarfing through a giant container of cheesy poofs. I encourage you to snarf through giant containers of cheesy poofs and donate the containers to my cause - healthy, home grown vegetables.

1:30 a.m. solution! I just happen to have 2 empty cheese ball containers. I can put in lots of soil, plant the seedlings and they can get all kinds of tall they want to and even if Emma sees them wiggle, she won't be able to get to them!!

I also have a better reason for snarfing through a giant container of cheesy poofs. I encourage you to snarf through giant containers of cheesy poofs and donate the containers to my cause - healthy, home grown vegetables.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Recycled, biodegradable seed starters

I found instructions for making newspaper planters for seedlings. I'm going to transplant the stuff from the little plastic starter kit to these when they're big enough and recycle the plastic greenhouse to start more seeds. I may end up with a few hundred seedlings at this rate (yay!), so the garden will be full with plants to spare.


Sooo many seeds. And these are just flowers and veg from Target. I'm going to start my own seeds this year and (hopefully) save money and not buy so many seedlings.
Did a little test run to see if Emma would leave the seedlings alone without the clear plastic greenhouse cover. She could want to eat them. She could want to dig in the dirt. They wiggle when she tries to sniff them so she wants to play! One seedling is now leafless. I've got maybe 2 more days before I have to move them to something taller.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Friend or Foe?

The seedlings are getting so tall, I'll have to take the lid off soon.