Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bonus #2 Onion starts

I spread the compost/poo/moss in the garden. It's 65F and sunny. Very nice for it. I dug out dandelions. There are a lot of volunteer plants that I can't identify, but are all over the The Land. There is plenty of dill coming up too.

Bonus #1 Last week, I used a spade fork to loosen up the weeds on the garden borders. I decided to move the rhubarb that was on the long border. The plants were small, but when separated, there were over 20. When I was a kid, rhubarb plants would get 3 feet across. I've given away 6 so far. I don't have room planned for 14 plants. When I moved them, I put them closer together than I might have, but I'm not sure they'll all survive. After a week, they are floppy and pitiful.

Bonus #2 There were two clumps of chives in the far corners of the garden. They were each about the size of a fist and a couple of stalks were starting to bud. I decided to save them from the rototiller. They aren't chives, they're white onions! The roots were a foot long and the onions were so tangled around each other, some of the onions look like corkscrews.

I pulled them apart, cut off the greens, and trimmed the roots very short. There were 44 onions in there! I think I made the plants docile, but not dead. I've seen stubby onions like this planted before, so I think I did it right.

I forgot about the advice to cut back greens that are being transplanted until tonight. I cut off the long bits of the chives I brought inside from the garden last week. I hope this will improve the plants. They look kind of sick.

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