Song birds are everywhere. I decided today is the day to put out the feeders.
I also have a standard, general 4 sided feeder. I've bought two of them because I went through so much seed last year, but I've only put out one. I may keep the other in my apartment so when the first is empty, I can fill the second and do a quick switch. Once again Country Wisdom and Know-How gave me plenty to read about birds, bird houses, and bird feeders. Tiny birds - like chickadees - were my main visitors last year. I decided I'd like to encourage song birds, so I read up and bought a mix that I hope will bring us more songbirds. I decided that the blue might be a gird landmark for the birds. I also hung a little wind chime nearby to provide another landmark.
I have a thistle sock with nyjer seeds for finches (they like to cling and swing when they eat. This was a huge hit last year. Nyjer seeds are little, tiny things and I thought that the amount of traffic I got would empty the sock quickly, but it lasted alright. I'd like to have 2 this year, so I went to the dollar store and bought a package of mesh bags used to wash lingerie inside a machine washer. I could get two or three feeders out of each. To buy a thistle sock empty, it costs about $1.75, and they are hard to find. A lot of stores sell thistle socks already filled with nyjer seeds for about $6-11. Make your own, I say.

My apartment is on the garden side of the building, so I can hear the singing creatures. The sun is starting to go down. It's cool and quiet. I can hear all kinds of birds chirping outside, maybe they are passing on the word - there's food here.
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