Tuesday, March 19, 2013

brussels sprouts are coming

It's cold in my apartment. I'm wearing two shirts, I'm wrapped in a blanket, my fingers and tip of my nose are cold and I think a hat might help. I finally turned on the baseboard heat in the living room. It's been off for weeks. It will be much more comfortable in an hour or so.

We had a few days of wind followed by a snow storm, a quick drop in temperature, and more wind. My apartment is on the west side of the building - perfect for catching the wind. When it's really windy, there's a draft coming in around my air conditioner and there is enough draft on the windows to make a sun catcher swing. All I have to do is put on layers, but it's too cold now. The ambient heat in the building (mostly concrete and concrete block) isn't keeping my apartment warm enough.

The heat is on. The plants next to the windows have been pulled away 1. so they don't get too cold and 2. the baseboard heat is under the windows. When it warms up, it dries out the plants really fast. Emma the Cat is bothered by the plants taking up more of her window space to stretch out, especially when that is now a warm place for her to lay. She's decided to sleep with her paws all tucked in and her head hanging over the table with the plants to catch the warmth as it rises. I wrapped Leena in a blanket for the first time. She likes it. She acts like it's a full body cuddle and she purred and relaxed until she decided to get some food.

I turned on the lights for the greenhouse. The plastic closest to the window has a lot of condensation. It's feeling the cold. Now that the lights are on, the temperature should balance out. The lettuce continues to grow. It's starting to show it's first leaves and a funny thing? The brussels sprouts have sprouted! They are on to their first set of leaves too with stems about an inch long.

I really like brussels sprouts. Last year I tried to grow them and they were short - no tall spikes and only a dozen tiny heads or so on the 15 plants I started. I let them freeze over the winter outside. The year before, I tried to grow cabbage. It didn't go well. Maybe I'm no good with brasicas, but I still like to eat them. I'm using last year's seeds for a lot of things I started last week. I've got enough time to have some failures, and when in doubt, I can always get plants from Pflaum's.

But the Brussels Sprouts Are Coming! Not in all of the pods I planted, but 2 for sure. yay.

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